Saturday, 13 September 2014

3D Printer : EXTRUDER HOT END ( Mari belajar sama-sama)

Salam dan selamat pagi

Hari ni moh kite belajar pasal 3D Printer, khusus kepada EXTRUDER... Malas nak cerita panjang, straight to the point jer...
Antara bahagian yang penting dalam 3D printer. Kat bawah ni ade contoh 3D Printer dan skematiknya sekali...

Rajah 1 : Extruder dalam bulatan merah (ade macam2 jenis)

Rajah 2 : Macam mana konsep extruder ni....

Ok, Kalau korang tengok kat rajah 1 & 2, tulah namenye extruder. Extruder ni antara anggota penting dalam 3D printer... kalau takde mende ni tak jalan la 3D Printer. Konsepnya agak senang tapi praktikal agak leceh sedikit... senang citela, extruder nih pakai konsep KUIH SEMPERIT atau MARUKU atau dot dot dot... hari hari mau bikin la itu dot dot dot... kalau tak nak bikin pon, sampai mase terpakse bikin juga...

Ok, senang gini la... aku listkan barang-barang dalam extruder ni lepastu tuliskan apekah peranan masing masing.
  1. STEPPER MOTOR : Adalah motor (Silver -Hitam - Silver) digunakan untuk menggerakkan FILAMEN ke dalam HOT END. Boleh dikawal guna MICROCONRTROLLER. EXTRUDE dan RETRACT.
  2. FILAMENT- Bahan Plastic (biasanya PLA @ ABS) yang macam lidi tapi boleh digulungkan dalam roll.. yang ni adalah bahan asas yang akan digunakan untuk print (kalau printer biasa, kite gunakan INK)
  3. DRIVE GEAR : Akan discrewkan kepada syaf Stepper motor (Shaf size 5.0 mm untuk Stepper Nema 17). Gear ini akan digunakan untuk menarik masuk FILAMENT ke dalam HOT END
  4. BEARING: Untuk support FILAMENT supaya GEAR boleh grip  FILAMENT
  5. SILVER COLUMN : Untuk pastikan FILAMENT dimasukkan secara lurus
  6. HEAT SINK dan KIPAS: Untuk pastikan FILAMENT sebelum masuk SILVER COLUMN kekal sejuk sebab kalau dah lembik sebelum masuk, camne nak masuk?
  7. HEATER ELEMENT : Elemen pemanas untuk tukarkan tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga haba
  8. TEMPERATURE SENSOR : Untuk ukur suhu HOT END dan kawal suhu berdasarkan jenis FILAMENT
  9. HOT END/BLOCK : Untuk menyebarkan haba kepada FILAMENT dari HEATING ELEMEN
  10. NOZZLE : Control saiz FILAMENT yang dah cair yang akan di semperit, ade banyak saiz, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 dan 0.5 mm, tapi yang paling fofular ialah 0.4 mm
THEORY macamane proses EXTRUSION ni..(aku kopipes je la)

Theory of plastic extrusion 3D Printing
  1. The filament is pushed down by the drive gear, pushing the filament into the hot end. 
  2. Because the extruder gets very hot, the heat easily travels up the silver column and would soften the filament. However we don't want that to happen.  
  3. The fan blows cold air onto the heat sink, so the heat sink deflects the heat from the upper part of the silver column and the filament stays rigid.  
  4. The rigid filament pushes down on the molten filament and also creates a pressure or force on the molten filament, thus extruding it out of the tiny hole in the nozzle.  
  5. Without this pressure or force, you would not be able to print. You would be able to extrude as there is no model or platform in the way when you do this. e.g. The model or platform slightly blocks the nozzle during printing, thus a fair amount of force is required to extrude during printing and hence the filament is squished out flat onto the model or platform. 
The concept is like icing a cake, you need to put pressure on the bag to extrude out of a tiny hole.

Antara masalah masalah printing yang disebabkan oleh extruder 

Air Printing Causes
The term air printing comes from when the printer is performing the action of printing but nothing is coming out of the nozzle. The biggest cause of air printing is NOT a blocked nozzle, but rather a build up of plastic dust around the drive gear.

Causes and Solutions
Dust around drive gear
Watch this video on how to clean the drive gear  
Parts warping
A warping print can create a blockage against the nozzle and will cause the flow of plastic to be blocked.
Platform to close to the nozzle
If the nozzle is scraping on the platform it's too close and will cause the flow of plastic to be blocked.
Broken piece of plastic in the silver column
Open the head up, as per above video and check for a broken piece
Carbon build up on inside walls of silver column
Remove nozzle, then use a 1-1.5mm drill bit with your hand and try and scrape out the walls of the silver column.
Carbon build up inside nozzle
Remove the nozzle and soak in acetone or burn with a flame.
 Contoh barang yang aku dah print, tapi cam ade masalah skit

Rajah 3: Mesin 3D Printer tersebut

Rajah 4 : Barang yang telah di print

RAJAH 4 ni ade masalah sikit, maybe sebab kipas aku tak on or maybe STEPPER tak cukup torque... takpelah, nanti aku cek balik...

Sekian untuk rujukan bersama..